During the extraordinary Month of Mission St Michael’s welcomed ‘One Life Music’ into the Academy for a whole school retreat day. titled ‘ His goodness never fails’. This was a very special day of celebration and reflection for all the children in our academy where focusing on Psalm 23 they celebrated Jesus our Shepherd and Guide, and His unending goodness to us. This wonderful day was a mix of fun, new music, reflection and joy that left the whole school staff, and children alike, renewed in His never-ending goodness.
Recently, the Confirmandi of St Michael’s Catholic Primary Academy spent the day with the Confirmandi of Ss Peter and Paul’s Catholic Primary Academy and St Bernadette’s Catholic Primary School. There were lots of games, and opportunities to reflect on how we can all invite the Holy Spirit to work in our lives.
Several of our Year 6 children received the Sacrament of Confirmation at St Michael’s Church. This year was the first year that children from St Michael’s Academy, Ss Peter and Paul’s Academy and St Bernadette’s school were confirmed together. It was a very joyful occasion, celebrated by Bishop David McGough. Many thanks to all those who worked hard to make sure the occasion was very special.
Fr Mark Crisp celebrated 25 years of priesthood. We are so blessed to have Fr Mark as our Parish Priest – congratulations, Fr Mark, here’s to the next 25 years!
Today, Year 2 celebrated their class Patron Saint in style! Among their celebrations was a procession with handmade lanterns. Year 2 processed around the academy, singing “This Little Light of Mine” and “Share the Light of Jesus”. Well done Year 2 – you followed St Martin of Tours’ example of spreading the Good News of Jesus by word and kind deeds.
Today we gathered together for a service of prayer, reflection and silence to remember and honour all those who have died in wars. Each class made a wreath or other symbolic artwork during the week, which they presented during the service. These will be displayed in the school entrance throughout November.
We are very grateful for the generosity shown by pupils and families. So much food was donated this year! Our Head Boy and Head Girl helped to deliver the food to the Little Brothers of the Good Shepherd who serve many people in our community who are homeless or struggling to feed their families. Did you know that the Little Brothers of the Good Shepherd feed approximately 400 children per month in Wolverhampton?
Thank you God for all our many blessings.
What a wonderful time Year 6 had during their residential retreat at Alton Castle. We all enjoyed making new friends, strengthening old friendships and, most importantly, being able to focus on our very precious friendship with God.
We were blessed with beautiful weather for our May procession and were joined by lots of families and friends. This year we were able to process to our new grotto, which children from across the academy had helped to plant up. Mary, Mother of God pray for us.
We were delighted to welcome back Trevor Stockton back to St Michael’s to talk to us about CAFOD’s work and how our lenten fundraising would help special projects around the world. It was great to learn and pray together for all our brothers and sisters around the world.