High expectations of all pupils.
Opportunities for all
Experiences and learning opportunities that they would not have access to at home
Reinforcement that dreams and goals can be achieved through self belief, commitment and perseverance.
Inspirational lessons which allow children to achieve their goals
Challenging children to be the best they possibly can, not to coast
Vocation – what has God called me to be?
Building resilience
Giving them opportunities to take risk and learn from this
Knowing that it is okay to learn from mistakes.
Not giving up and trying varying methods to reach goals
‘3 before me’ approach to encourage collaborative learning rather than asking an adult all the time.
Taking the initiative
Recognising that they have talents and skills
Recognising that other people have equal right / need for adult attention and support
Including mental health.
Encouraging a healthy lifestyle
Giving lots of opportunities for sport fitness.
Mindfulness and wellbeing activities
Opportunities to converse on feelings and emotions
Explore the outdoors outside of local community (Covid allowing, of course)
Enjoying exercise – alone and with company
Walk to school – no emissions too!
Looking after all God’s creation
Making the correct choices in life; choices that benefit the whole community and not just ourselves.
Treating others with care and compassion
Understanding consequences of dropping litter; through-away culture, can we ‘make do and mend’? Repurposing materials to make new
Promoting good practice – sharing new ideas to reduce waste
Showing respect for the school environment
Recognising that our Values and Virtues will make them become a wonderful person, a valuable member of society, a true friend
Recognising that our Values and Virtues are an essential way of life, not just something to “pull out of the bag” at school
Curriculum Drivers
- Art & Design Curriculum Drivers.pdf pdf347.1 KbSep 27th, 2021
- Computing Curriculum Drivers.pdf pdf436.3 KbSep 27th, 2021
- Design & Technology Curriculum Drivers.pdf pdf323.5 KbSep 27th, 2021
- EYFS Curriculum Drivers.pdf pdf324.6 KbSep 27th, 2021
- History Curriculum Drivers.pdf pdf169.9 KbApr 5th, 2022
- Maths Curriculum Drivers.pdf pdf171.1 KbApr 11th, 2024
- MFL Curriculum Drivers.pdf pdf374.8 KbSep 27th, 2021
- Music Curriculum Drivers.pdf pdf457.4 KbSep 27th, 2021
- PE Curriculum Drivers.pdf pdf505.3 KbSep 28th, 2021
- PSHE (inc. RHE) Curriculum Drivers.pdf pdf369.6 KbSep 27th, 2021
- R.E. Curriculum Drivers.pdf pdf358.7 KbSep 27th, 2021
- Reading Curriculum Drivers.pdf pdf268.7 KbOct 13th, 2024
- Science Curriculum Drivers.pdf pdf505.7 KbSep 27th, 2021
- Writing Curriculum Drivers.pdf pdf246.1 KbOct 13th, 2024